Monday, March 26, 2012

3.26.12 - Photoshoot Preperations (Drustva and Tania)

I'm an idiot.

For the past two weeks I've been preparing for a photoshoot with friends, Tania and Drustva. Tania reached out to me after seeing my shoot for the Agua da Ilha clothing line with Azuka Bom. We met for happy hour and dinner and discuss doing a shoot for them. The tentative date was Sunday April 8th. For whatever reason I thought it was yesterday, March 25th.

This shoot is a particularly important one for me. In the past, we've thrown up the lights, pointed a camera at a "model" and began shooting. This time I am making the effort to prepare and study for the shoot. So much has gone into the planning process:
- Design: "What are we shooting?"
- Purpose: "Why are we doing it and what are the photos being used for?"
- Location: "Where are we shooting?"
- People: "Who are we shooting? Who is doing make-up and hair? Who is supplying materials? Who is helping?"
- Schedules: "Do our schedules match up and is it convenient for everyone involved?"
- Weather: "um... *crosses fingers and prays*"

We decided to do a "Day and Night" shoot; a spinoff of the traditional "Alter-ego shoots." The photos will reflect what we, as people, do during the day and what we do at night.
Drustva will play the part of a business woman by day, and a drug-user at night.
Tania will play a (fun-loving happy person) by day, and a crazy, psycho ex-girlfriend at night.

I want the photos to convey a certain emotion when viewed. As said in Shakespeare's play, Macbeth, "False face doth hide what the false hearth doth know." These photos will be used to simply dislay artistic works. If anything, I want the practice and experience of doing formal photoshoots.

My backyard in Alexandria, VA. It's that simple. I've done scouting in other areas but this just makes the most sense.

People and Schedules
Getting people to arrive at the same location at the same time can present a challenge. I commissioned a 1981 Volkswagon Van to be used in the shoot from Andrew. If Andrew did not show up on time, we would not be able to start. I'm also depending on a make-up artist that Tania is introducing to me the morning of. Otherwise I will still use what I have; even if it's just me.

No matter what happens I will make something happen. If it rains, I will take pictures of the rain or we will move the shoot indoors. If it's cold, we'll embrace it. If it's hot, we'll bring a fan. Either way, this process has presented me challenges that I welcome and embrace.

The greatest part about this photoshoot is that it has a clear, concise deadline. Because I have an idea of what the final image should look like, it's dictating my actions. I feel like I am taking a crash-course in exposure, lighting, and other things relevant to the shoot. I love the fact that it allows me to FOCUS on what I need to focus on and only that.


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